Page 40 - Green knowledge 2023
P. 40

  Map portal for climate-smart farming
The growing season of 2023 saw too much water in the north and too little in the south. The map portal Kilden assists farmers and advisors who want to prepare for unpredictable precipitation amounts.
“Kilden has a variety of maps that are not found in Gårdskart. On Kilden, I find most of the maps I need, along with good drawing and measuring tools,” says Torgeir Tajet, advisor for vegetables and hydrotech- nics at the Norwegian Agricultural Advisory Service.
Tajet uses the map portal, among other things, to plan measures that protect against erosion. This is both to retain soil in the field and to avoid poor water quality in watercourses. One of the projects he has worked on is an action plan for parts of the Ramnes River in Tønsberg municipality. The riverbank here has collapsed in several places. As a result, farmers lose soil and particles and nutrients pollute rivers and lakes.
Old aerial photos and soil maps provide important background information. From Kilden and a couple of other map portals, Tajet finds old aerial photos, information about soil, elevation data, the size of the riverbed, and precipitation data. This forms the basis for calculations and proposals for measures.
“Last but not least, it is important to have good working drawings. Kilden has a good drawing tool, and various aerial photos and maps can be used as a background. This makes it easy for those implement- ing measures to know what needs to be done where. It can also be used by farmers. For example, it can be useful in connection with applications for SMIL grants,” says Tajet.
Kilden provides a substantial collection of relevant map data for agriculture and forestry. Tove Vaaje- Kolstad explains that one of the advantages of Kilden is that multiple theme maps can be layered, making it easier to see connections and conflicts when planning measures and changes in land use.
Photo: Hege Ulfeng
Collaboration: Funding:
The map portal Kilden contains map data from NIBIO and other stakeholders that are useful for the agricultural industry and management.
Norwegian Agriculture Agency (Field of Forestry Portal and Reindeer Husbandry) NIBIO, Norwegian Agriculture Agency
Head of Department Tove Vaaje-Kolstad. Email:, phone: (+47) 930 08 377. Division of Survey and Statistics

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