Page 4 - Green Knowledge 2020
P. 4

                 Editor: Camilla Baumann
Title: Green knowledge — 39 examples from NIBIO’s activities in 2020
Written contributions: Anette Tjomsland, Erling Fløistad, Hege Ulfeng, John Olav Oldertrøen, John Schärer, Kathrine Torday Gulden, Kjersti Bakkebø Fjellstad, Kjersti Kildahl, Liv Jorunn Hind, Lars Sandved Dalen, Morten Günther and Siri Elise Dybdal
Photo editor: Erling Fløistad
Lead editor: Ragnar Våga Pedersen
Cover: Trials with grey mold on spruce seedlings in NIBIO lab Photo: Erling Fløistad
NIBIO BOOK 7(2) 2021 ISBN: 978-82-17-02842-0 ISSN: 2464-1189
This is a translation of the original Norwegian publication “Grønn kunnskap – 39 smakebiter fra NIBIOs virksomhet i 2020”, NIBIO BOK 7(2) 2021. ISBN 978-82-17-02750-8.
Production: 07 Media –

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