Page 16 - Substantial Sustainability
P. 16
Monitoring and Surveillance Programmes
NIBIO has several long-term monitoring and surveillance programmes and also produces tools, maps and statistics. Some examples:
• JOVA The Norwegian Agricultural Environmental Monitoring Programme, monitors water flow and pollutants in 11 agricultural catchments. Established in 1992
• Pesticide monitoring of residues in food and environment
• The Norwegian National Forest Inventory (NFI)
is the world’s oldest nationwide forest inventory with data collection from field and by remote sensing. Established in 1919
• Land resource survey Provides a detailed national coverage of land resource information with emphasis on agriculture and forest areas
• Soil survey Produces maps of soil type and soil properties on agricultural land
• CORINE Land Cover (CLC) The Norwegian part of the pan-European land covers monitoring organized by the European Environment Agency
• Farm level economic survey An annual sampling survey. Established in 1911