Page 17 - Substantial Sustainability
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Other services and research infrastructure
• VIPS Online forecast and information service for pests, diseases and weeds in Norway;
• Agrometeorology Norway (LMT) Online weather data from Norway’s main agricultural regions for use in forecast services and research;
Field trials
• Field trials at Møystad (established 1922) and Apelsvoll (established 1989) are used to study long term effects of different agricultural prac- tices and technologies on yield, soil properties, and the environment
• Long term forest trial plots: 800 field trials investigating the effects of various silvicultural regimes
• A nationwide network of field trial facilities
Other research infrastructures
• Advanced greenhouse facilities
• Accredited laboratories; organic and inorganic, pesticides and biotechnology
• Svanhovd Arctic Research Station
Accommodation, laboratories and field facilities